KNMD (Kayo and Nakre Making Dinars) nous met métèque et mat, entre beats qui s’entremêlent, hommages à Fairuz ou Farid El Atrache et échantillons sonores de violons d’Oum Kalthoum et bass-synthés du maestro psyché funk Baris Manço. The soundtrack to a period film that doesn’t ignore the present: nostalgic exoticism doesn’t mean hiding your head in the sand for Kayo and Nakre, who while escaping to mythical cities like Constantinople, pause to sling a hammock on board the Aquarius, and spend time with the migratory peoples of whom they are a part. 14 tracks wrapped up and slicked with harissa, an uninhibited universe without borders or guards.

“Ça doit être beau à entendre, une mer agitée.” Kayo and Nakre conjure up a sun-kissed landscape, as made-to measure breakbeats sprawl all over the East. Strasbourg’s sampler-beatmaker duo head for the hills in a Lada, taking us on a restorative journey, introspective yet international, a musical homecoming (North African for Kayo, Turkish for Nakre), with a shout out to the early 90’s Mo-Wax-like abstract hip-hop hand in hand with the Saharan shuffle of Imhotep, chief architect of the Marseille pyramids of IAM, smooching on the beach at Essaouira. Crisp snare drums, Kayo’s snug beats and Nakre’s feisty loops give us “The Med Trip, a journey into Mediterranean flavor". Turkish delights meet the whispered song of the dunes.

KNMD (Kayo and Nakre Making Dinars) cut the magic carpet from under us, with intertwined rhythms, nods to Fairuz and Farid El Atrache, sampled violin from Oum Kalthoum and synth bass from the funk psyche maestro Baris Manço.